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Perrin Endlinks Rear NEW Style - Swaybars - Celtic Motorsport


M-F: 9:00 am-5:00 pm

Online Consultant

Perrin Endlinks Rear NEW Style

PSP-SUS-235 In stock
Just available for the 08+ WRX, 08+ STi and 08+ Forester! Upgrade your swaybar endlinks to make your new swaybar purchase worthwhile! Any upgrade to the sway bars are nearly lost if you chose to reuse the OEM endlinks, since they are rubber on one side. This connection between the sway bar and the control arm is crucial to proper operation. PERRIN™ replaces any and all rubber with 6061 billet aluminum and spherical bearings that can handle almost 9000 lbs to give you the best handling from your new swaybar!!!

By utilizing aluminum the sway bar can respond in a far more linear fashion to cornering forces, while the spherical bearings allow additional articulation under hard cornering. The combination forces and allows the tires to remain in contact with the road, and give you better handling. Simple to install and maintenance free. All include instructions and hardware.


  • 6061 billet aluminum construction
  • Sperical rod ends
  • Many times stronger than OEM endlinks
  • Better articulation than OEM endlinks
  • Maintenance free

    Fits 08+ WRX, 08+ STi and 08+ Forester models.
    If you have any questions about shipping or returns, please contact us at (714) 670-7358 or through our contact page.

    We ship packages worldwide with a variety of carriers. When purchasing products through the website, the shopping cart will automatically calculate shipping with UPS and FedEx. If you would like to use USPS as a shipping option please contact us and your order can be modified to reflect the changes. On large items the calculations may not be accurate. If this is the case you will be contacted about your order to discuss shipping options. All orders are sent with insurance and are shipped with signature required. This protects you from your packages getting stolen or lost. If you are not at home to sign for your package you may have your order shipped to a work or alternative address which can be done when the order is being placed. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the shipping rates or shipping options.

    Celtic Motorsport ships all of our products world-wide. We use a variety of excellent international carriers and offer great pricing and fast delivery. For smaller orders that are being shipped International we can use USPS Priority or EMS. Please contact us for a quote on your shipment.

    Celtic Motorsport insures all orders to protect you. Every order is packed with the utmost care to prevent damage to your order. In the event your shipment is damaged, you will need to contact us immediately upon receiving your order so that a claim process may be started. The claim may possibly be started by you the consumer but in most cases we will handle the claims.

    Please contact Celtic Motosport if you have any questions about returning a product.

    • Returns must be made within 30 days of original shipment
    • Only uninstalled / unopened products in resalable condition can be returned
    • Most returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee
    • There are No returns on special order parts